1 Movie Ticket and 40 Tampons: 4.97

Admittedly, the cashier may have been a little confused to see a clearly-pregnant woman buying 200 tampons, but if he’d known about this deal, he might have stopped wondering and gone to buy some tampons for himself.

Right now at Wal-Mart, specially marked packages of Tampax Pearl tampons and Always pantiliners contain a coupon code for a free movie ticket, up to 12.00. These boxes run about 6.97, and there was a 2.00 coupon for the Tampax Pearls and a 1.00 coupon for the Always pantiliners in the 5/2 Procter and Gamble insert, making it 4.97-5.97 for the tampons/pantiliners and the ticket.

Good deal.

  1. Check to see what theaters are participating in your area.
  2. Clip your coupons and head to the store for packages that look like the one pictured above.
  3. Enter your movie codes here.
  4. Print your tickets.
  5. REMEMBER! The codes within the package are good until October 31, 2010, but the movie cash you get with them must be used within 30 days of being received.
  6. Follow the PYP forum discussion here.

Enjoy the show!

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  1. I'm still laughing at your post- Thanks for the heads up- This is the brand I use exclusively so I'll check it out.

  2. I hope your store has them. I was sure my store wouldn't, but it did. Makes me think it must be being marketed pretty thoroughly.

  3. Riverton UT walmart has TONS of the Jumbo always pads but no infinity. They do have a few of the tampax.

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