10 Things You Should Do To Save Money




Most of us could use new ideas when it comes to saving money.  If you struggle to save money, any idea is a good one.  Even if you are great at saving money, new ideas could never hurt. There are many things that you can do that will help ensure that you save money each month and throughout the year.

  1. Keep a spending journal.  At the beginning of your spending journey, create a spending journal for yourself. Keep track of everything that you spend your money on throughout the month and use this to see where your money is going and where you can avoid the waste.
  2. Pay extra on your mortgage each month.  If you pay a mortgage, you should pay extra on your monthly payment.  Even $5 to $10 extra each month will make a significant difference in the amount of interest you pay.
  3. Call your utility companies.  Call the customer service departments of your utility companies and ask for any discounts that you may qualify for.
  4. Sign up for auto pay for your bills.  This does two (2) things.  First, you save money on any late fees.  Second, many companies offer discounts to customers who sign up for auto pay.
  5. Use a clothes line during the warmer months.  A clothes dryer uses a significant amount of electricity.  Consider using a clothing line instead.
  6. Create a menu plan.  Preparing and planning your meals in advance is a great way to save on groceries and dining out.
  7. Pack a brown bag lunch.  Consider packing your own lunch as well as lunch for the kids.  My kids’ school lunches cost $3.50 per day per child.  If you have two children that is $35 per week.  Your lunch out likely cost twice that.
  8. Shop used.  When doing your clothing shopping, be sure and check out thrift stores instead of department stores.
  9. Use coupons.  Use coupons in your regular grocery and household shopping to save up to 40%.
  10. Use your phone.  There are countless money saving apps out there.  Take full advantage of your phone’s capabilities to their fullest extent to save money on everything from groceries to activities and more.

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