10 Ways to Save Money When Getting a Dog!

Puppies, they’re cute you can’t deny that. And most kids are begging their parents for one. But puppies can get expensive so I’m here to give you some ideas of how you can save on a new dog or even the one you already have!

ADOPT A DOG– if you’re not particular on what breed of dog you want, adoption is a great idea. I’ve seen tons of mixed breed dogs at our local Animal Control up for adoption as well as adorable purebred dogs who all need homes. And even if you know exactly the breed you want – watch their adoption site and call often as one might just become available.

DO YOUR GROOMING YOURSELF – Hypoallergenic dogs are great as they don’t shed but that also means you have to cut their hair quite often. I’ve found the best way to learn how to cut your own dogs hair is to go to a groomer once and watch how they do it. This way you can observe the professionals and hopefully get a better idea on how to do it yourself.

BUY YOUR DOG FOOD IN BULK – We found out from our last dog that we could get the brand of food she liked at our local Sam’s Club which really saved. I’ve also had neighbors who buy their dog food at Costco. So shop around and find the place that will save you the most. Don’t forget, lots of times we’ll see coupons for Petco or PetSmart which could help in the cost of dog food. (And don’t forget to compare prices on Amazon as well)

BUY HIGHER QUALITY COLLARS AND LEASHES – Sometimes when you’re looking at the price tag it’s hard to want to fork out so much money on a collar or leash but you want to invest your money in ones that are going to last.

DON’T SKIMP ON DOG FOOD – What I’m trying to say is don’t buy the cheapest brand out there. Look at the ingredients and find one that’s full of whole foods like Chicken and chicken meal and avoid ones with corn in the top ingredients. This could help you have money on health care later on.

BUY USED DOG ITEMS – All the essentials start to add up when you’re just starting out. If you’re a new pet owner try searching eBay, yard sales, Craigslist and other places for used dog items. You can easily score a great deal on a crate or even dog bed.

SAVE ON MEDS BY BUYING GENERIC – This is similar to even your own meds. You can always ask the doctor/veterinarian if there’s a generic option for the medication. This way you’re still giving your dog the meds they need without breaking the bank.

AVOID BOARDING YOUR DOG AND PAY A SITTER – We have lots of kids in our neighborhood that just love dogs. So whenever we have a trip for a day or two we’ll ask around and see if any of them are free to watch our dog and earn a little money. May times we can just have them check in a couple times a day or if we’re leaving longer than a day or two we’ll take our dog to their home. This cuts down on boarding cost drastically.

MAKE YOUR OWN TREATS – I’ve seen some great recipes for making your own dog treats but I have to say this isn’t one I’ve done myself just because of the time factor and I’m not really a cook 😉  But if you’re really trying to pinch your pennies when it comes to dog ownership, do a quick search online and you’ll find tons of ideas.

And last but not least MAKE YOUR OWN TOYS & DOG BEDS – This is another one I haven’t done yet only because I’m not the sewing type but if you’re up for the challenge you could put together some fun dog toys for your little fur baby. And a bed wouldn’t be too difficult to sew either. Just watch for one of the JoAnn’s coupons we see all the time or use your Hobby Lobby coupon and snag some fabric for a good deal.

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