If you haven’t jumped on the balance bike train, you need to! Balance bikes are the easiest way to teach young kids how to ride a bike. And by young, I mean like three years old. Many models can set you back $100 easy, but right now, Walmart has the 12″ Schwinn Kwickster 2-in-1 Learning Bike in red for just $39.00! (regularly $65.68) This bike is awesome because it starts out as a balance bike, allowing your child to get the hang of balancing on a bike (which is the hardest part) and then it converts to a pedal bike once they are ready to advance.
- 12″ bike with steel frame
- Balance bike: with pedals off child learns to balance
- Bicycle: quickly converts to pedals on child bike
- Coaster brake
- Foot-to-floor design allows for safe and comfortable learning for parent and child
- Adjustable seat for fast growing children and tool-free adjustment
Be sure to select FREE in-store pick up to avoid shipping fee’s. Otherwise shipping will add $5.97.