15 Quarantine New Years Day Activities to Do with Your Family this Year

This year is 2020 the year of the global pandemic. Are you ready to ring in a new year? I sure am! However, we need to be careful so we don’t spread more of the virus to our friends and family. We can stay home and still have a wonderful New Year.  That’s what we are planning to do this year. Here are 15 things you can do this New Years Eve!

  1. Dress up and have a photo shoot.
  2. Have everyone pick a favorite appetizer and have those for your lunch.
  3. Make personal pizzas for dinner- loaded with everyone’s favorite items.
  4. Play games via zoom with friends and family.
  5. Have a dance party to favorite songs of 2020. Do you have a strobe light? You can totally include this.
  6. Make New Years resolutions/Vision Boards, but make it fun! If you have kids, get posters and have them print out pictures or color pictures that goes with their goals. Then hang them up in their room so they have a visual reminder. You could totally do that in your room too.
  7. Play classic board games with each other.
  8. Pop the Balloon hour by hour games. This is where you put games or activities on a piece of paper. Put them in a balloon and blow it up. Tape the balloons around the house. Then,  starting at whatever hour you determine, you pop one balloon each hour or half hour and you do what it says in that balloon. Then you pop the next one and so forth. This is fun for kids to keep them busy until it’s time for bed!
  9. Watch a movie together.
  10. Make a festive dessert that you can enjoy during the evening.
  11. Make noise. If you have pots and pans, then that’s all you need! Go outside and bang those pans, your neighbors will enjoy it too!!
  12. Silly string.  When the new year chimes in, then get that silly string out and go have a party with string. Fun way to ring in the new year.
  13. Outdoor time. Being inside all of the time can be hard. Plan something to do outside, even it it’s short. Go on a walk, go sledding or biking.
  14. Pajama party. If you’d prefer not to dress up, then get in your pajamas and relax the night away together.
  15. Watch the ball drop at Time Square. They will be doing it virtually this year without crowds. Tune in to ring in the new year!

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