20 Questions to Help Spice up Your Thanksgiving Dinner Conversation

thanksgiving-conversationThanksgiving is the season of family and friends, turkey and pumpkin pie.  It’s a time when family comes together from near and far. If you are hosting this years Thanksgiving Dinner, you may feel a little pressure on how the conversation will go.  Will there be those awkward silences? Or that stressed topic of politics or religion? What if you did something different this year and had the following questions prepared and ready to help direct the conversation? This may help with those times of silence or the need to change the subject. These questions can be deliberately placed so it goes with each person.  Or, have each person pull one from a hat.  Either way, it’s definitely a great way to get some good conversation and make some fun memories.

  1. What is something you did as a kid that nobody knows about?
  2. What is your favorite family tradition?
  3. What does a real turkey sound like?
  4. Which person at this table would make the best President of the United States and why?
  5. What is your favorite article of clothing and why?
  6. What was your favorite thing about the place you grew up?
  7. What memory stays with you from your school days?
  8. If you won $1 Million Dollars tomorrow, how would you spend it?
  9. If you could invite anyone to this Thanksgiving dinner, who would you invite?
  10. What animal best represents you?
  11. If you could eat one food item on your plate for a whole year, what would it be?
  12. In 15 seconds, list as many things you are grateful for.
  13. Tell about your favorite place you visited this year.
  14. Tell a favorite memory that you have had with the person sitting across from you.
  15. If you could go shopping in only 1 store this holiday season, what would it be?
  16. If you could explore anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  17. What is your favorite memory of your grandparents?
  18. Tell your favorite joke.
  19. What is something you admire about the person sitting to your left?
  20. What are you most thankful for this year? (You could end with this and ask everyone at the table)


Hopefully these questions will help add some memories and added smiles to your Thanksgiving Dinner!

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