How to Handle Secret Santa
A lot of countries have fallen in love with the idea of Secret Santa especially when it comes to work places. It’s a fun way to share the joy of Christmas and get to know your coworkers better. There are some gift ideas that never go wrong and if you want to be on the safe side, you can totally win the Secret Santa game.
Secret Santa is not actually a game, but it does have some entertaining sides. You will spend some time investigating and thinking of a cute present for your coworker. You will also have to take into account the fixed budget (most people that organize Secret Santa at work set a specific budget for the presents) when buying a gift.
Investigating Social Media Websites
Social media websites have their advantages. You can investigate your coworker’s personal page and check for his or her favorite movies, music, books etc. You will find a clue to what he or she likes best and you can work on the acquired information to buy one awesome gift.
Analyze His or Her Personality
You must have spent some time chatting or hearing other people talk about that particular coworker (yes, work gossip is always present). Is this person all about fun? If so, a concert ticket might be the thing for her or him. Is this person nerdy? There are plenty of affordable gadgets and books that can make the perfect gifts. Is physical appearance important for this person? Maybe some accessories or clothes might do the trick. Or a voucher for a day at the spa. Even a gym membership can do the trick. There are plenty of cool gift ideas for Secret Santa.
The Ink Lover
Tattoos are very popular these days. You can buy a voucher and offer it to an ink lover. Your coworker will be psyched.
The One with the Sense of Humor
If your coworker loves joking around, you can buy different funny things from t-shirts with cool inscriptions to funny mugs or pens.
The Serious One
You can always handle even the most serious of coworkers. If your coworker is a serious guy, buy him a neutral colored tie, cigars or a bottle of fine alcohol. If you have to buy a gift for a serious woman, buy some subtle accessories or clothes that come in neutral colors.
The Handmade Objects Fan
There are people who simply love original, handmade things. If this is the case with your coworker, be a creative Secret Santa and ask a handmade artist to come up with a particular design. You can be specific if you find out more information about your coworker.
Avoid Being Cheap
The holidays can represent a challenge for us; especially if we’re on a budget or if we want to save some money. There are so many things to do or things to buy and we are tempted to cut costs here and there. But going cheap for Secret Santa can be tacky. How would you feel if someone gave you a cheap thing that didn’t mean anything? You can find fine looking things that are affordable. You just have to spend some time till you find the right gift. But fret not; you’ll find the perfect gift and enjoy a cool Secret Santa celebration at the office.