How to Deal with Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is viewed as a sort of harassment where technology is used to bully people. The types of cyberbullying are many and they can be related to body shaming, psychological harassment or humiliation and it often happens on social media websites, via different messengers or even texting. This kind of bullying doesn’t end here. It comes disguised as fake profiles meant to make fun of the victim, too. Cyberbullying is a complex, painful topic that keeps getting more and more violent even if it happens in a virtual, online world.
A lot of people use the internet and cyberbullying poses a real threat since the main instigator, the main bully can draw other people into bullying a certain person. That can have horrible emotional and psychological consequences over the person who’s bullied.
Let the Ones You Love Know
You are not alone in this psychological battle. Let your friends and family know about what’s happening. You will feel a bit better and you will also understand that cyberbullying has nothing to do with you; the bully has psychological problems and he or she is projecting his own fears and frustrations on you. You are surrounded by people that love and respect you; don’t let other people tell you otherwise.
Self-confidence and Self-esteem
Oftentimes, cyberbullied people have a low self-esteem and they aren’t too confident in themselves. A cyberbully will see these things as vulnerabilities and he’ll attack, feeding off one’s emotions and pains. It takes time to build confidence and self-esteem and you should also consider going to a therapist for a few sessions. Trained therapists can really help you out to cope with such awful situations.
Report the Cyberbullying
Keep proof of the cyberbullying that just happened. Keep screenshots and show them to your internet provider or to different associations that deal with cyberbullying (for example Chatdanger can really help you out). They have the necessary means to prevent this thing from happening to another person and to punish the cyberbully.
Protect Your State of Mind
…by blocking the messages you get from that cyberbully or by changing your contact info and even leaving a certain site or deleting a certain profile. You don’t need this negativity and violence in your life. There are other social media websites you can hang on and enjoy people who won’t harm you.
Notice a Certain Pattern
You can apply some basic psychology theories when paying closer attention to your cyberbully. These kinds of persons seem to have a certain pattern. Sexual threats are normally typical of sex offenders, physical threats are typical of violent people who definitely have some psychological issues etc. This is important and it should determine you to inform the authorities; the cyberbully might be someone who has evaded the authorities or has a previous conviction. You can help this thing from happening again or save people from the harm that this cyberbully can cause in real life.
Don’t Try to Reply
Whatever you do, don’t engage in replies with your cyberbully. That’s what this person wants. To see how much it hurts you. To continue with his or her humiliations online so that everybody can see. The cyberbully likes to put on a show. Don’t let yourself be dragged in his or her mind games. Indifference and no reply from your part are the best options you have. The lack of reaction from your part will annoy the cyberbully and even if he or she may get more violent, you will have the proof that he poses a threat to the online environment.