How to Stop Feeling Worthless
Certain people and certain situations that we experience can make us feel worthless. This feeling can be linked to despair, anxiety and the desire to isolate yourself from the rest of the world and not improve your situation because everything is pointless.
This feeling incapacitates us from achieving many amazing things. This feeling will hurt the ones around us; the ones that truly believe in us. Worthlessness is associated with many negative feelings because misery likes company. This feeling can end up being an obstacle regarding everything that we may endeavor if we do nothing about it. Fortunately, there are many ways to push this feeling out of our lives.
The Start
When did this feeling of worthlessness start? Do you remember the specific time? Do you remember what triggered it? If not, it is always a good idea to retrace your steps or analyze the current situations that seem to emphasize this kind of feeling. Start investing time in doing what you enjoy best and write down on a piece of paper how many things you have achieved so far. You have to keep on going; you have to fight for your dreams even if you are feeling worthless at times. The goal is to never give up.
You Will Always Matter
There will be at least two or three persons that will care for you. You will always matter. People find it hard to talk about their feelings or let others know how much they matter. If you feel the support of others, it means they care for you and if you openly talk about your feeling of worthlessness they can help you move past this stage in your life by supporting you, letting you know how much you mean to them and reminding you of all the nice things that you are capable of.
Keep Your Mind Busy
A lot of people that experience this type of feeling often procrastinate. Keep your mind busy with work, volunteering and with things that you believe in. By not having time to contemplate about the futility or practicality of some things, you actually manage to get things done and reap the benefits of hard work. You will feel useful to the community and you will end up feeling more proud of yourself.
Dealing with Stress and Other Problematic Situations
When you’re faced with difficult decisions, tight deadlines and stress you need to take it easy and practice different breathing exercises. Otherwise you’ll feel worthless and feel like abandoning everything. And you can also take short minutes and look out the window and let your mind wander and day dream for a bit. You will see how your brain will find solutions to the problems you are experiencing if you learn how to relax.
Seek Out Counseling
If you have tried all of these tips and still feel that they didn’t work out, you need to seek out counseling. A professional counselor or a therapist can really make things better.