Loving Someone with Depression

Loving Someone with Depression

Loving Someone with Depression


We all experience a type of depression at one point in our lives. Some types of depression don’t last long while other people suffer from a severe type of depression such as clinical depression that leaves them feeling tired, powerless and useless.

Loving someone with depression isn’t always easy. Like any relationship, it’s all about commitment and understanding. You can research the type of depression your lover is suffering from to better understand what this person is going through.

You can even participate in a group therapy, where you, your lover and his or her shrink can make you be more aware of the things that you can do in order to support your lover through this ordeal. Because no matter what you call depression, the truth is that a staggering number of people suffer from it and the inner battle is too tormenting for words.


The Feeling of Despair

Most of the times, people that suffer from depression feel useless, worthless, powerless. The feeling of despair is overwhelming. If you are always there for them, no matter what they will find comfort and feel safe in your arms. They will end up being more open with their feelings and states of mind and when a depressed person succeeds in being open with their feelings, the battle is more bearable.

They Are not Weak

Depressed persons always consider themselves to be weak. That is far from the truth. They are strong individuals for having to battle themselves and the inner demon called depression. How many people can fight bad thoughts constantly? Let them know you admire them and that you consider them powerful. Because that’s the truth.

They Seek Isolation

When it comes to depressed persons some things seem to become part of a routine. When depression strikes, the sufferer retreats in his or her home and doesn’t want to talk about what he or she is going through with anybody. These people seek isolation because they hate being a burden to anybody. They need assurance, they need human interaction and plenty of conversations to let them know how much they mean to you and assure them that they aren’t a burden to anyone. Don’t abandon them and think things will get better soon. Isolation seems to make depression even more terrifying.

They Are not Weird

There are many times when depressed people feel weird and think they can’t be part of the society due to their illness. The feelings they have, the depressive states are a normal manifestation of a typical human behavior. We all feel depressed at least once in our lives. The trouble starts when a depressive state turns into depression. This is where a depressed person needs specialized help and guidance from a therapist. The right treatment and therapy can work wonders for depression. And good friends and understanding lovers can also help people battle depression much easier.

Laughter Is Vital

Make them laugh more. Laughter is vital for all of us, especially depressed persons that can use serotonin. It is proved that depressed persons can’t produce enough serotonin to keep them happy.

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