Reclaim Your Confidence

Reclaim Your Confidence


Reclaim Your Confidence
There are a few things that are worse than that awful feeling that you have lost confidence in yourself. We all feel this way at one point in our lives, but we are in control and we can turn what’s making us feel bad about ourselves into something productive till we reclaim our confidence.

Lack of confidence is rooted in many things from education, family issues, environment or personality traits that are typical of anxious, introverted people. But even a toxic relationship with a manipulative person can make us lose confidence in ourselves. A job where you aren’t promoted or valued for what you do can also make you feel bad about yourself.



Self-Confidence Can Be Built in Time

Just like many beautiful things, practice makes perfect. Self-confidence can be worked on. You can reclaim your confidence taking things step by step. So don’t worry if there aren’t any visible changes for the time being. These things take time.

Stop with all the Comparisons

Parents (even if they mean well) and teachers start comparing kids and their performances. We end up doing the same as adults. We compare ourselves and our achievements with other people forgetting the fact that every life and personality is different and so are our goals. No wonder we lack self-confidence, ambition and determination. We can easily be disappointed by utopic expectations.

Keeping It Real

Setting the bar too low or too high will make us fail someway, somehow. Keep it real; be realistic; embrace your abilities and talents and work on your weaknesses. This is the only way in which you can evolve, be a better person and be more self-confident.

Shun the Haters Down

Haters come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes they can be disguised as well intentioned friends that always seem to have a piece of advice for you and how you can live your life. Stop them right there and then. You are the ruler of your own life, the decision maker, the one who knows best. Nobody else can make decisions for yourself. Haters can bring you down by manipulating you into thinking you aren’t good enough.

Think Outside the Box

Routine can narrow our minds. Try thinking outside the box and breaking away from the routine. The moment you do something different, you’ll end up feeling good about yourself and seeing things from a different perspective. This is just one of the many ways in which you can reclaim your confidence.

Do what You Like

It’s amazing to witness what happens when you follow your dreams. You feel reborn, you feel like a totally different person; you are happy again. You start feeling more and more confident and you dare to dream big and plan things so that you reach your goals by being determined and organized.

Let Go

If the relationship is toxic, if your workplace doesn’t credit you for what you do, let it go. Put an end to the relationship, quit your job. There will be other job offers and the right person will eventually pop up in your life.



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