25 Fun & Simple Activities to Add to Your Christmas Advent Calendar

advent-calendar-picDo you have a Christmas Advent Calendar? We do, and my kids absolutely love it. As soon as they wake up, they head straight to the calendar to see what’s inside. Each day holds a piece of paper with either a service idea or an activity that we will do on that day. It’s a fun way to get the kids in the Christmas spirit. If you don’t have an Advent Calendar, no worries! Just grab a Santa hat or stocking and write up these 25 different activities. Then each morning have the kids take turns and draw one out. Here are 25 ideas that are super simple, yet fun. Hopefully these will help you out!

  1. Read a Christmas book and snuggle.
  2. Make Christmas cards for grandparents and send it in the mail (Even if they live close by!).
  3. Learn a new Christmas carol and sing it to a neighbor.
  4. Make hot chocolate and sit next to the Christmas tree. Share your favorite Christmas memories.
  5. Make and decorate gingerbread houses.
  6. Find a local Assisted Living Center near you and visit older folks. You can even prepare songs to sing or bring a small gift.
  7. Get in your pajamas and go for a Christmas Lights Drive.
  8. Write a letter to Santa (You may even have a place where they take Santa’s letters near you- if so, drop them off).
  9. Christmas craft day (homemade ornaments, finger paint snowmen, paint a star- add glitter).
  10. Invite friends, find a new hill and go sledding/tubing.
  11. Attend a local Sing Along event.
  12. Earn money by doing chores or service and go on a Salvation Army hunt. Go find a Salvation Army bell ringer at your local stores and drop your money inside.
  13. Make paper snowflakes then hang them around your home.
  14. Make popcorn and watch your favorite Christmas movie.
  15. Draw names and write a kind note to that person. Put them in the stockings for Christmas morning.
  16. Invite a few families over and have a snowball fight (You can make forts and get into teams as well).
  17. Make a Christmas countdown paper chain.
  18. Host a Cookie Swap- Invite friends who each bring a dozen cookies and the recipe. Then swap cookies so you have some of each.
  19. Make a playlist with your favorite Christmas songs, wear Santa hats or ugly sweaters and have a dance party.
  20. Give to a charity- Angel Tree or other organizations you may have near by.
  21. Shop for a new Christmas ornament that represents your year.
  22. Take a family picture with ugly holiday sweaters and hats.
  23. Call or Skype with family members that live far away and sing Christmas carols to them.
  24. Be a Secret Elf- find a way to serve each member in your family without getting caught.
  25. Read the story of Christmas – Luke 2: 1-20.


Do you have any other fun activities for Advent Calendars? Please comment below. I would love to add them to my Calendar this year!

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