3 Great Things About “Having” to Stay Home



Okay, friends. I know everyone is tired. I know we would all love to be vacationing, hanging out with friends or back in physical classrooms. I live in the PNW so not only were we quarantined before many other states, but we are also now dealing with wildfires of epic proportions. The smoke here has kept us all in our homes for over a week. Like literally the air outside is toxic to breathe. We can’t even go outside anymore. My kids can’t shoot hoops outside, nothing. 

Through all of this though, we have learned some incredibly valuable lessons. We have found some really great things about having to stay home. In case you are in the bummer stage of quarantine, or you too are stuck at home because of smoke, don’t fret. We can find good in the stress!

3 Great Things About “Having” to Stay Home

You Can Save Money

If you have struggled to save money in the past, this is your chance! It is easy to save money when you don’t go anywhere! If you are lucky enough to still be working, you can take advantage of the fact that you have less to spend money on and you can just sit back and watch your savings grow!

Spending More Quality Time Together

When you can get out and do stuff, it is pretty easy to become too busy to spend the quality time that your family needs together. It’s not that we intentionally do this, but life gets busy and we get wrapped up in work and activities and it just happens. This whole staying home thing has opened a lot of eyes into how much time we haven’t been spending together. 

You can Get Projects Done

Raise your hand if you have been working on home improvement projects since the start of this whole thing? We have lived in our home for almost 10 years and finally accomplished projects that had been put on the back burner. I know that I have witnessed the same thing with my neighbors so it’s not just us! House values should be holding strong with all of these improvements. 

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