3 Ways to Get More Done During the Day

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I know that I am not the only one who is battling to get more done everyday. With work and kids and responsibilities, it gets hard to accomplish anything, let alone everything. Am I right?

I have read books, listened to podcasts, asked for advice from others that I know are awesome at this stuff, I have done it all in an attempt to get better at adulting. I have made some big changes in my life lately as it relates to accomplishing more of what I need to get done and boy oh boy has it helped! Check out these 3 ways to get more done during the day that I have found incredibly beneficial in my life. 

3 Ways to Get More Done During the Day

Sleep More

I get that this may seem counterproductive, but when you get enough sleep, you can accomplish so much more during your day. When you are well rested, your mind works better and when your mind works better, you are infinitely more productive. 

Wake Up Early

Waking up earlier than the rest of your family is a surefire way to get things done. Depending on what time you wake, you may find yourself with up to a couple of hours alone to work on projects. 

For example, this morning I woke up at 5 am, got 2 loads of laundry done as well as several other projects that I was in need of finishing. 

Set Goals

Setting goals will help you to accomplish goals. After years of thinking that I can just get all of the things done and remember them as I go, I can finally acknowledge that it is not in my best interest to assume I can do it all. Setting goals and writing them down has helped me accomplish the things I need to do. 

I have taken to writing down my to-dos and must haves for the week in a planner, and then I write down my daily goals on a checklist. It has made a world of difference in my life and my productivity.  

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