4 Exercises You Can Do with No Equipment Needed


It’s just about spring and for many people, that means it’s time to get fit! I know many people struggle with working out because of the cost of the gym or equipment that they believe is required to exercise. Lucky for us, this is not always the case!

Sure, if you want to ride a bike, you need to have a bike and if you want to lift weights, you need to have the weights on hand, but guess what?! There are many other exercises that you can do that don’t require investments such as these! For example, here are 4 exercises you can do with no equipment needed. 

4 Exercises You Can Do with No Equipment Needed


Walking is simply one of the simplest and cheapest exercises you can do! It costs you nothing (other than a usable pair of walking shoes, that is) to lace up your shoes and take a walk along the block, or a park trail or just about anywhere you want to go! 

Walking is good for you too, because all of that fresh air is incredibly beneficial! 


I would bet that if you looked, you’d find some really great hiking trails near where you are right now. You may have to drive a little ways to get there, but once you hit the trail, your mind and body will thank you! I love hiking. It’s one of my favorite workouts to do because I am constantly able to enjoy all of the beautiful nature around me. 

I happen to live in a state that is home to some beautiful waterfall hikes and I could not love them more! Hiking can be challenging, but in my opinion, it is a workout like no other! 

Exercise Videos

If you have the internet (of course you do, because you are reading this right now), you have an unlimited supply of free workout videos available to you on YouTube and often other streaming services. Hit play and get your body moving!


You remember the calisthenics portion of PE class, right? Those burpees and lunges and push ups and situps? These are all great exercises that you don’t need any equipment for. Trust me, if you are doing burpees every day, your chances of getting in shape are going to increase a lot!

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