4 Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas


Did you just remember someone that you needed to buy for this year?  Is your brother bringing his new girlfriend home for the holidays? Is your cousin making a last minute appearance? You don’t want them to be the only ones without a gift, right?  No worries, my friends! We are going to chat a little bit here about some awesome last minute Christmas Gift Ideas that won’t break the bank and that you don’t need to wait for shipping for (cause that ain’t gonna happen this late, folks!).

  • Gift Cards.  Gift cards aren’t the most personal of gifts, but many people do genuinely like receiving them. Unless I know the person very well and I know exactly what they like, I tend to stick with the classics such as Amazon, Target, or Starbucks.  All of these can be bought in-store (most large grocery chains sell Amazon gift cards), or online. You can even buy online and print them out or, you can have them emailed right to the recipient.
  • Hot Cocoa/Mug.  Real question.  Do you know anyone that doesn’t like hot cocoa?  I don’t. I literally don’t know a single person who doesn’t like hot cocoa and that wouldn’t like it as a gift.  Idea: Head to the dollar store and buy a mug. Fill with a couple of couple packets of hot cocoa with marshmallows and you have a great gift that can easily cost less than $2.
  • Your presence.  Yeah, it may sound cheesy, but it’s true.  You can simply be there and spend time with your loved ones.  That is gift enough for me and I know I am not the only one.
  • Their favorite baked treat.  If you have at least a couple of hours and you know what they love, why not bake them their favorite baked good.  I plan to bake my brother some snickerdoodles cookies tomorrow because those are his favorite things and he has plenty of stuff.  


What is your favorite go-to last minute gift?

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