4 Reasons You Should Be Drinking More Water

People can tell you all day every day about how much you need to be drinking water, but if you don’t know the reasons why, it may be hard to follow. I know that many people struggle to drink enough water, but there are good reasons why we should be drinking more of it! 

The benefits of drinking water are seemingly endless, but here we will discuss 3 reasons you should be drinking more water. Thirsty, yet? 

3 Reasons You Should Be Drinking More Water

It’s Great for Your Skin

Want to look younger? Drink water! It’s true. The more water you drink, the more hydrated you are, the better your skin will look. When your skin is well hydrated and moisturized, you’ll show fewer of those fine lines and wrinkles that we all battle with as we age.

When you don’t drink enough water each day, your body will conserve it for your organs and other body parts. That will create a puffy, bloated look in your skin. 

It can Make You Smarter

Want to be smarter? Drink up! Your brain needs oxygen to perform at its maximum function and the best way to get oxygen to your body is by drinking a lot of water. 

 Studies have shown that drinking between eight and ten cups of water each day, can improve your cognitive function by up to 30%. Drinking a lot of water can also keep your electrolyte levels high, which is great for your nervous system. 

It’s Great for Your Joints

Did you know that your joints need water to stay healthy and hydrated? They do! Drinking plenty of water is good for your joints and helps you to stay active longer. 

Do you drink enough water? What is stopping you from getting the amount of water that you should?

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