4 Tips that Will Help Your Children Learn to Clean Up After Themselves

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Do you feel like you are constantly following your children in an effort to stay on top of the messes they create?  Well, you need to stop.  Now.  Okay, okay, if you have a baby or a toddler, I am going to give you a pass and let you keep on following.  However, if you child is any older than that, it is their turn to clean up after themselves. No need for you to do it, besides, I’m sure you have plenty of other stuff that needs to be done anyway, am I right?

If you are struggling to figure out how to get your kids to clean up after themselves without a major fight, it can be done.  I know that it is stressful and overwhelming, but the truth is, the bigger they get, they bigger those messes get, so let’s get to work!  

Here are 4 tips that will help your children learn to clean up after themselves:

  1. Make it fun.  Making chores less of a “chore” is always a good thing.  Kids need to learn that chores aren’t a bad thing.  If you have little kids, why not sing a fun “clean up” song with them.  If your kids are a bit older, maybe time them and see how fast they can clean up.  Kids love to turn things into races. 🙂  In addition, make sure that you aren’t complaining when it’s time to do your household chores either.  If they see mom or dad complaining about it, they are going to think that complaining is ok.
  2. Don’t ask.  Don’t lead your kids into thinking that you are asking them to do chores.  It must always be a demand.  Instead of saying “Can you clean your room, please” you can say “It’s time to clean your room now”.
  3. Set rules.  Create rules in your house that no new activity can begin until the last one is cleaned up.  So, if your son was playing with his building blocks, but now wants to watch TV, he must first pick up his blocks or else the TV doesn’t get turned on.
  4. Allow them to clean step by step.  It is often easier for a kid to take on chores in a step by step, type way.  For example, when they are cleaning their room, allow them to first pick up laundry, and then toys, etc.


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