4 Tips that Will Help You Keep Your Car Running Smoothly and Efficiently

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Do you feel like you are running your car into the ground?  Between commuting to work, taking the kids to school and activities, and all of the errands that us adults have to run constantly, our cars go through a lot.  All of this wear and tear on your car ends up costing a lot of money. Not just in gas, but in oil changes, tires and other maintenance that needs to be done. So how can you keep your car running smoothly and efficiently while also continuing to live your life?  Well, I will show you!

Here are 4 tips that will help you keep your car running smoothly and efficiently throughout all of life’s busy on the go moments.

  1. Get regular oil changes.  I know that we all hear all the time how we should be getting regular oil changes, but it is true.  Getting regular oil changes keeps your motor running smoothly.
  2. Clean out your car.  Carrying around a bunch of stuff in your car is a great way to destroy your great fuel mileage.  In addition, be sure and drive the speed limit and combine trips when you have errands to run in order to prevent wasted trips.
  3. Change your oil filter.  Be sure to change your oil filter as often as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer recommendations.  Oftentimes this can be checked during your oil changes.
  4. Keep your tires properly aired up.  Under inflated tires are often the cause for deficient fuel mileage.  In addition, when your tires are properly inflated, they last longer. Under or over inflated tires wear quicker than those that are run at the proper inflation.


What is your favorite fuel saving, vehicle maintaining tip?  I know there are lots more tips out there and I would love to add yours to the list.

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