4*4 20-Page Book: 1.99 Shipped

Until 10 PM EST, RitzPix.com is offering a free 4×4 20-page photo book with between 20 and 30 photos. You pay 1.99 shipping. Per the terms on the front page, you can order two per e-mail address. My little guys love to revisit their favorite family events with photos, and I’m thinking that a couple of these “photobook cupcakes” may be the perfect thing to slip into the car for long drives or unexpected waits.

To get this deal:

  1. Go to RitzPix.com
  2. There are two rotating banners in the middle of the front page. If this deal isn’t being displayed when you first click over, wait a few seconds and it will pop up.
  3. Click the banner. On the next page, click “create book”.
  4. Log-in or create your account.
  5. Create your book and complete checkout.

RitzPix.com LINK

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    1. Does anyone know if you have to complete the order today or can you purchase it today and finish it later?

    2. It has to be complete today.

    3. It takes hours to download your pictures! Don't know if they will be downloaded in time!

    4. By the time my last download was finishing up the time had expired. Oh well! I was downloading all day long.

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