5 Birthday Party Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Birthday parties can get a little routine and dare I say, boring? My kids always want something different and unique, but I’m just not that creative every year! We’ve come up with 5 different ideas that aren’t your normal games/present and cake parties. This will keep the kids busy the whole time!

  1. Nerf War Games. If you have boys, you know that Nerf parties are so fun. They love the energy and competition. If you are on a budget just gather up Nerf guns and make your own Nerf zone, divide into two teams and start the war. If you have some money set for the party, you could take the kids to an actual Nerf/dart gun arena.
  2. Swim/Beach Party. This is always a popular type of party. If you are near the beach, then use it! If you aren’t then find a local pool you could take the kids to.
  3. Tea/Dress up party. If you have young girls, have them dress up in their best and throw a tea party. They could even bring their favorite stuffed animal.
  4. Bounce House Mania. This one could get a little expensive, but it’s super easy to do. Rent your favorite bounce house and invite the friends over. You don’t have to do a lot with this party since the company usually will come set it up and take it down. That’s my kind of party!
  5. Cook it up party. If you have a young chef then this would be super fun. Create a menu and let the kids help make their meal. Then after you could all eat it or even invite the moms to come join you for the final creation. Let the kids serve their moms and all enjoy cake afterwards. This is one they won’t forget.

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