5 Fun Things to Do on a Quarantined Thanksgiving Day

This Thanksgiving will definitely be different than years past. If you’re like us, you will be celebrating the day with those in your own home. Even though you won’t be surrounded by family and friends this year, there are still some fun things you can do. Here are 5 things you could do to make this Thanksgiving a good one!

  1. Set up a virtual time to be together with your family. You can do this while you are actually eating your meals or before or after. You can play games together online or just talk with each other. It’s so nice we have this ability to see and talk with each other even when we aren’t in the same house.
  2. Watch the Macy’s Day parade. YAY! I’m so glad that this tradition will still be going on. There will not be any people lining the streets as in years past, but you can still see the fun floats and balloons and hopefully a few performers.
  3. Turkey bowl. If it’s decent weather where you live, then get outside and start up a turkey bowl, or football game. It can totally be a low key one if you have just a few people in your home. Play flies up, or go on a turkey run/walk/jog. Anything to get your outside and moving.
  4. Make Mini Pies together. Since you won’t be making big pies to share with a lot of people, why not make your own mini pies for everyone in your family? Each person can choose which kind they want and make their own! check out Sweet Chatter to get a good idea how to make these.
  5. Shop online. This is a great year to do all of your Black Friday shopping online. Deals will start (again) on Thanksgiving night. So be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook so we can help you get those items checked off your list!

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