5 Reasons to Stop Keeping Up with the Joneses

Keeping up with the Joneses is a trap for many Americans.  It is what keeps many different families in debt. Worrying about having the nicest house, nicer cars and any and every other nice thing that you can just so you don’t feel like you are lesser than them. I’m a big believer in not caring too much about what others think of what I have, what I drive or where I live, but even I have found myself “keeping up with the Joneses” when it comes to my children.  When all of the other kids at school had brand new iPhone Xs, I decided to break down and get my daughter an iPhone (it was an SE, but still), I always make sure they have name brand clothes too (bought second hand typically) because truth be told, kids are mean to kids that don’t have nice clothes. I have always maintained that we don’t have to spend a lot to have the same nice things. That being said, I am realizing that although I don’t spend a lot on this, I am doing my kids a disservice by following this routine. There are plenty of reasons though to not live this lifestyle though and here’s why.

Here are 5 reasons to stop keeping up with the Joneses that will make you happier in the long run:

  1. Non-stop competition.  The competition never ends and that is, honestly, exhausting.  I don’t know about you, but I really just like to be able to relax sometimes and not worry about others.
  2. It’s expensive.  There is just something so very calming about not living paycheck to paycheck. If you choose to live a less expensive lifestyle, you can do this!
  3. It doesn’t teach your children well.  Do you want your kids lives run by consumerism?  I know that I don’t. I want their lives run by so much more than just this and I am trying to teach them that.
  4. It teaches entitlement. Entitlement is destroying the behaviors of young people everywhere, I want to be a part of the generation that ends this type of behavior.

What are your thoughts on this?  I thought the hear people’s ideas of this and the best ways to go about it.

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