5 Tips for Waking Up Happier

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How many of you want to wake up happier every day? I know I do.  I mean, who doesn’t want to be happier?  

If you find yourself dragging from day to day and you think you could use a pick me up, check out these 5 tips for waking up happier and see how your life could change.

  1. Focus on your wants.  If there is something that you want, focus on it.  Many of us focus on what we “don’t want to have happen”, rather than what we want. If you are focused on the things that you don’t want to have happen, then you are focusing on the negative and focusing on the negative will never bring you positive.
  2. Journal.  Each and every single night, take out your journal and write down the things that are on your mind, bad and good. Getting this mental clutter out of your mind helps you to sleep peacefully instead of going to sleep with a mind full of busy-ness.
  3. Leave work at the office.  Too many of us are busy dealing with the stress of the job even when we are at home.  When you clock out, think to yourself that all work related stuff stays in the office.
  4. Get some sleep.  It is hard to be low stress and happy when you are running low on sleep.  Make sure to schedule sleep in as you would anything else and follow through.  
  5. Exercise.  Exercise boosts endorphins which make you feel good.  When you feel good you want to be more active.  It is a circle of activity that really does work!

What is your best way to feel happier? Do you fake it til you make it?  Do you travel?  What is your secret to successful happiness?  I would love to hear all of your stories!

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