5 Ways to Start The Year as a Saver

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Are you planning to set a resolution for 2018?  What is it going to be? If you are like many of us, you are going to strive to save in the new year!  So how about we get started now on making it happen!  Here are 5 ways to start the new year as a saver instead of a spender.

  1. Start couponing.  Despite what you may think, couponing is not dead.  Couponing for your groceries and household supplies is a fabulous way of cutting down on household expenses without too much work.  Yes, there is some cutting involved (sometimes), but the research that used to come with couponing really doesn’t anymore.  There are countless couponing tools available to you online that you can take advantage of.  After all, that’s what brought you here, am I right?
  2. Set up a savings direct deposit.  If you get your paycheck direct deposited, make a switch to have some of your paycheck automatically put into a savings account that you don’t have easy access to.  It’s an easy to way to save money without thinking about it.
  3. Turn off the lights.  A penny saved is a penny earned, right?  If you are able to cut back on your household bills such as power, you will find yourself with more money in your pocket at the end of every month.
  4. Budget.  Set a budget and stick to it.  Sticking to a budget is the number 1 tool for your household to use in its goal to save money.  Do it.  It will work!
  5. Set goals.  Set goals to save money and you have already started the journey.  Setting goals is the first step to get you where you need to be.

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