6 Fun Spring Break Activities on a Budget

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Spring break is coming soon for most of us. It’s a week (or two)  when kids are out and ready to play and take a break from homework and regular routines. As a mom, I really enjoy having my kids home. However, I like to be prepared. This year we are staying home so I’ve been planning some activities to do with the kids to keep them occupied. Being prepared also helps me so I don’t go super crazy over the week long break. Here are just a few activities that I’ve been thinking of doing. They don’t cost much and are super easy to prepare.

  1. Service Project. I like to have the kids think about others for a little bit while on break. Think of ways you can help your school, community, church, neighbors or family. This time of year it’s easy to find yard work. A lot of people are clearing out dead branches and leaves. Find somewhere to go and help clean up. You can also call ahead and find a local food shelter or food pantry that may need help with stocking and organizing food. With kids being out of school they are available during the days so there are usually more times available. I love watching my kids serve and they end up loving it too.
  2. City Activities. Check your local city and see what is going on the week of spring break. For us, they have a few days where they offer a program for kids to come play different sports at a park close by. This does cost a small fee, but it’s definitely worth the amount to get them outside, playing and socializing.
  3. Park Days. What is spring break without a day at the park. Take your wagon and walk to a new park you may not have been to before. Call up a few friends and neighbors and meet at a park. If the weather isn’t cooperating with you, check your local mall and see if they have an indoor play area.
  4. Learn Something New. This may take a little bit of planning on your part but it’s definitely worth it. Ask each of your children for one thing they would like to learn to do this week. It could be cook a new meal or dessert, sew a skirt, skateboard, drive a car (gasp!) or learn a new game like chess or checkers. Whatever it is, plan the day that you will teach them and then stick to it.
  5. Plan a Day Trip. You don’t have to go far to find a new place to visit. Get onto Google Maps and find a location near you that you have never been to before. Pack a lunch and head out.  It could be a new museum you’ve never been to, or a relative you don’t visit often. This will get you out of the house and away from your daily routines which is simply refreshing.
  6. Visit a New Place. This could be as easy as Chuck E. Cheese’s or a new library in the city. It could be a public pool in a different city or a children’s museum that you’ve never been to. Whatever it is, plan a day where you can go explore somewhere new. It could be the same time you do your day trip or a different day if you want to spread them out. Whatever it is, explore and have fun.

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