6 Reasons You Should Have a Cleaning Schedule

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Do you struggle with keeping your home as clean as you would like it?  Does organization not come naturally to you? You may be able to help yourself get these things in order, by keeping a cleaning schedule on hand at home.

If you are thinking about whether or not, you should adopt the cleaning schedule lifestyle, you should definitely do it!  It has helped my household tremendously.

Here are 6 reasons you should have a cleaning schedule:

  1. A schedule helps you remember.  I find it very easy to forget to do things that I don’t particular love to do.  That’s one of the reasons I keep a cleaning schedule. If I can see on a sheet of paper what I need to do, I know i won’t forget anything.
  2. Good motivation.  I like checking off a project on my cleaning schedule list.  It means that I am one step further to done. I find it is a good motivation for me.
  3. No more procrastination.  No longer will you be rushing to clean your house last minute, because with a written or printed schedule you can make sure that the to-do list is checked out throughout the days.
  4. Helps you to delegate. With a schedule, you can easily delegate the chores to the whole family, instead of taking it all on yourself.  I bet that will be a relief.
  5. Keeps your household running more efficiently.  When you have a cleaning schedule that you follow, it helps all of the household chores get done without wasted time.  No more wandering around trying to figure out what to do next, because it’s all right there written down for you.
  6. Housework is done as often as needed.  Let’s face it, sometimes we get too busy to remember that we need to clean our sheets or dust behind the tv.  With a schedule, you can be assured that you are doing these chores as often as they need to be done and making sure that you don’t let the mess build up.

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