7 Budget Killers You Should Avoid

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Where is all of my money going?!  Do you find yourself asking this question often?  Honestly, it is probably going to one of the many budget killers that affect many of us.  If you are ready to put a stop to them, I am here to help!

Here are 7 budget killers you should avoid to keep that money from disappearing:

  1. Free trials.  Have you signed up for a free trial of an online or streaming service?  Did you forget to cancel? I have done that too many times to count, unfortunately.  Be sure to go through and cancel these trials and if you haven’t used the service, reach out to customer care, you may be able to get a refund.
  2. Online subscriptions.  Similar to the free trials above, have you signed up for online subscriptions that you really aren’t taking advantage of?  Consider cancelling.
  3. Gym memberships.  If you are paying every month for a gym membership you rarely or never use, it’s time to get rid of this budget killer.
  4. Gas.  That is in gas for your car.  When you do too much driving around whether you are doing it aimlessly or because you aren’t combining your trips, your gas bill can go up tremendously and that’s definitely a waste.
  5. Music streaming.  Do you really need to pay an extra $10 per month for that music streaming service?  My guess is no. I prefer to turn on the radio in my car, or, if I just need to hear a specific song now, I go to Youtube.  Additionally, if you have Amazon Prime, they have a streaming service for Prime members.
  6. Magazine subscription. Do you have automatic payments for magazine subscriptions?  Do you actually read it? I’m guessing this one can go down the road too.
  7. Fast food.  Seriously, just stay out of the drive through.  You will save soooo much money!

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