7 things you can do right now to help your Spring Garden succeed

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Do you have a green thumb? Are you going stir crazy being stuck inside during the cold winter months? If you are itching to get back out there and dig in the dirt, I hear you, I love my garden and I miss it! That being said there are some things that we can do now to prepare for gardening season.

Here are seven things you can do right now to help your Spring Garden succeed:

  1. Inventory your gardening supplies. When I say supplies I mean your seeds, your Planters, your containers, your tools, your soil, everything! Wintertime is a great time to find deals on gardening items so wintertime is the best time to take inventory of what you have and what you need to buy.
  2. Study up. The fact of the matter is you can’t be out there digging in the dirt right now so you may as well learn everything you can about gardening while you are stuck indoors. If you have Amazon Prime check out any free or cheap ebooks you can get to read up on soil info and info on the best types of gardens for your location.
  3. Decide your location. This may be the easiest part of the process but you need a good idea of where you plan to plant your garden. Are you going to have it the same place as last year? Or will you have it in a brand new place? Plan now so you don’t have to decide later.
  4. Decide on what plants you will be growing. Now that you have studied up and you know what space you have available now it’s time to decide what you will be planting.
  5. Order your seeds. There are some amazing websites available online for you to order your seeds from. This is generally a better bet than walking up and down the aisles of your local big-box store and deciding what to order from there. This is especially true if you plan to grow an organic garden or you have specific wishes for the seed to buy.
  6. Map out your seed location. Now that you have your seeds on order, start to map out where they are going to be planted in your garden.  This is great to do in advance so that you know which seeds need to be planted nearest the Sun nearest bigger plants, etc.
  7. Relax. I know you are excited to get started but gardening is a big commitment so why not take this last little bit of wintertime you have left to relax and get ready for gardening season to begin.

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