7 Tips for Saving Money on Kids’ Lunches This Summer

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With summertime here, you may be trying to figure out how you can save money on your food budget.  If your kids are anything like mine, they tend to snack A LOT while they are home. Because of this I have tried hard to be more focused how I can feed them well during the summer, while keeping my budget in check.  Here are my 7 tips for saving money on kids’ lunches this summer:



  • Meal plan.  We all know that meal planning can help bring down the cost for family dinners throughout the week, but the same can be said for lunches.  If you know in advance what you will be preparing, you can have it on hand.


  • Meal prep.  When it comes to kids and eating, meal prep is key.  I like to take a loaf of bread and make an entire loaf of PB&J sandwiches and then stick them in the freezer, we pull a couple out at a time for the kids to eat that day.  It works well and I never have to deal with “there’s nothing to eat” complaints.
  • Set rules.  I, of course, allow my children to snack throughout the day.  I never allow mindless eating all day long though. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snack times throughout the day keeps my cabinets stocked up longer than if I don’t regulate it at all.
  • Keep them hydrated.  Just like adults, kids need to stay hydrated with water.  It will help keep them full so that they aren’t running around on an empty tummy.
  • Don’t buy junk.  Junk food isn’t very filling and it is very expensive.  Keep healthy snacks on hand for those times when your kids want to snack.  You’ll save money and the kids will be healthier!
  • Check out free lunch programs.  Many communities offer free lunches for kids during the summer.  Check out your child’s school to see if this is something that they offer.  In my community, there is no income restrictions on this, but this may not always be the same.
  • Shop at farmers markets.  You know how I told you to feed the kids healthy snacks?  Farmer’s markets and farm stands are hopping during the summer and oftentimes significantly cheaper than supermarkets.




What are your favorite tips for saving money on food during the summer?

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