Having vehicle insurance is one of those expenses that you have to have. There’s absolutely no way getting around it. If you have a vehicle and you want to drive it, you have to insure it. That being said, I’m going to outline some tips that will help you save money on car insurance.
#1. Raise your deductible.
Your deductible may be set at $200 dollars, but if you raise it up to $500, you will pay less every month for your insurance policy.
#2. Cancel coverage you do not need.
If your car is older, and paid off, you are not going to need to have full coverage. By dropping coverage you do not need, you are going to notice a big difference in how much you are paying for your insurance.
#3. Choose a more economical car.
Every five years or more, you may decide that it is time to car shopping. A great way to save money on your car insurance is to choose a car that is economical, which will not only make your car payments lower, but you may earn discounts on your insurance for the kind of car you bought.
#4. Drive your car less often.
Car insurance companies reward their customers who do not drive their car over a certain number of miles every year. The best way to drive your car as little as possible would be to look for someone to carpool with to work, or even find alternative means of transportation to use.
#5. Take a Defensive Driving class.
In some states, if you happen to get a ticket, then you do have the option of getting that ticket dismissed. However, when it comes to car insurance, companies offer their customers a discount for taking a defensive driving class, and the discount can be anywhere from 10 to 15 percent off.
#6. Look into buying safety equipment for your car.
Cars are equipped with seat belts and anti-lock brakes, but there are also other safety equipment you can buy like an alarm system and daytime lights. Car theft costs insurance companies millions of dollars every year, and buying a car alarm is going to save you money as well and protect your car from being stolen.
#7. Consider combining insurance policies.
Every insurance company out there has more than one type of insurance they can offer their customers. If you have home owner’s insurance with one company, find out if they have car insurance too because by combining both policies together, you are going to save money, and only have to pay one fee to the insurance company every month for your multiple coverage.
#8. Shop online for better insurance rates.
It is a jungle out there when it comes to finding your insurance, and companies are competing for their customers. By taking the time to use the Internet to do some comparison shopping, you may find the best possible insurance rate, and if you are about to leave your current insurance company for another, that company may match the best rate you can find so they can keep you as their customer.