Having fun with your family is something that isn’t done enough in this day and age. Some of that could be due to budget restraints, lack of time, or simply because you don’t know what to do with your family that will be fun for everyone. Fortunately, we’ve got that under control and have came up with a few ideas for you that are both fun and affordable.
If you’re ready to get started and are anxious to check out these cheap ways to have fun, scroll down and take a look. We are pretty sure that you’re going to dig this list a lot!
Board Games
While board games do cost money, it’s pretty much a one time investment as long as you don’t lose any of the pieces or trash the game. Some good places to start are with games like Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, UNO (which isn’t technically a board game), or CLUE. Games like these are sure to keep you entertained for years and years to come. We love them!
Yes, you read that right. This one is absolutely free and most cities have a track that is open to the public at all hours. It’s a great way for you and your family to get out, stay healthy, and unwind. It also makes for some very good conversation between everyone.
Dinner And A Movie
You have to fix dinner anyways so why not make it a family effort? Whip out your family’s favorite movie (maybe something like Jurassic Park) and watch it over dinner. Feel free to joke around, make fun of the movie, and have a blast for the next 2 hours. It’s amazing!
This, much like board games, is a one time investment. This could be a hit or miss but we think nearly anyone in the world would enjoy using a telescope as long as they take a honest interest in it. While a good telescope could run you hundreds or thousands of dollars, what you need should be under $100. Give it a try and see what you think about it.
If you have a local library (why wouldn’t you?) then you may consider setting some time aside to read with your family. It doesn’t even have to be the same book. Everyone can lounge in the same room and enjoy their favorite (or current) book for about an hour or so. It’s also a great way to get good book recommendations and exercise your brain as well.
So, the next time you and your family get bored, refer to this list and pick something. It doesn’t matter if it’s reading a book, watching a movie over dinner, or simply going for a brisk walk. There is always something that you can do that is both fun and affordable. After all, it’s all about pinching your pennies, saving money, having a good time, and coming up with new ways to make your day better. Believe us, we all do at least one of these things!