Saving energy, or going green as many people like to call it, is pretty important to most people nowadays. Sure, not everyone is all about saving the planet but we’re all pretty fond of cutting down costs and saving money on our electric bill. The 5 Energy Saving Tips below will help you do just that. Best of all, each one of these energy saving tips are very practical and don’t really require any extra effort on your behalf. Now, let’s take a look!
Turn Off The Lights
The majority of people who have high electric bills also have a bad habit of leaving their lights on when they don’t need to be. Why have lights on during the day? Why leave them on once you go to bed? It’s fine to leave one light on at night if you’re sketchy about the possibility of someone breaking in but there’s no need to have more than one on, right?
Control Your Thermostat
This one isn’t as common but a lot of people just turn their AC or Heat on as needed. Don’t do that. It’s actually much more energy efficient to set your thermostat to auto and pick a set temperature. It cuts on and off a lot less doing this and saves you a ton of money. If you use a different form of heat or air conditioning, you may want to consider switching it up.
Shrink Wrap Your Windows
No, we’re being serious. They make kits that you can find at most retail stores such as Walmart that’ll run you about $10 and will give you enough material to shrink wrap all of your windows. It’s a pretty easy job and will ensure that you aren’t wasting heat or air conditioning. This works like a gem especially if you have older windows in your home.
Watch Less TV
Okay, this one might be a little tough. We know that you don’t want to miss your regular programming but if there’s a time of the day that the TV is on just to be on, let’s work on cutting that out. We’re all guilty of turning on the TV from time to time just for a little bit of background noise but if you stop doing that, you can save a boat load on your bill.
Invest In Savings
This one is tricky. The title doesn’t really say it all but here’s our final energy saving tip. Invest in saving money. Still don’t get it? Well, when it comes time to buy new appliances, try buying stuff that is energy efficient. You know, like High Efficiency washing machines, energy saving fridges, and that kind of stuff. They typically cost more but in a year, they will have paid for themselves and then some. They really will save you a ton of money!
Now, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get out there, pinch your pennies, and save a little money. Or in this case, a lot of money. Electric bills can be downright outrageous but they don’t have to be especially if you refer to this great list of 5 Energy Saving Tips!