4 Affordable From Home Businesses

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Looking at the title of this post, you probably know what we’re about to tell you. What you may not know however is why you should know. Well, here’s why you should read this list of 4 Affordable From Home Businesses. We have faith in you and know that regardless of what you do, you can run your own business and it won’t cost you a fortune to do so. It is possible for you to start a profitable business from home and here are some good ideas.



If you love to cook then it may be time for you to start your own catering business. You can even just make boxed lunches for businesses. We know someone that started doing this with just a few hundred dollars. They also managed to land a contract making lunch for around 30 employees at a small business at $25 a week for 5 lunches a week. In other words, they did very well with this business and now, they do this on a full time basis.


This is fairly new but there are a lot of people out there who get their own domain with hosting and sell themselves. They do everything from writing articles for general sites to doing voice over work. Sites like Guru.com, eLance.com, and oDesk.com have made this even easier but if you can start your own brand and pull it off, you can do it full time.


Go on anyone’s Facebook page and seems like everyone knows a photographer nowadays. There are literally millions of aspiring photographers out there and the competition still isn’t half bad because half of them never put any real effort into it. Fire up your own biz by learning the art of photography and actually investing in it. If you can just do a few pictures a week or a wedding, you can significantly increase your income and love doing the work!

Antique Restoration

Finally, we come to this business idea. You know how you can find some really cool and old stuff at thrift shops and on eBay? Why not buy this so called “junk” so you can restore it and re-sell it. Before long, you’ll have clients lining up at your door who have old items that may have been left to them by an older family member and they need YOU to restore it.


Of course, these are just ideas though but we’re sure that even if you don’t like any of these business ideas, you’ll come up with something creative and more importantly, something that works. As long as you enjoy doing it and don’t lose money (even if you just break even), you’re still doing something that you enjoy doing from the comfort of your own home. There isn’t much in the world that beats that unless you throw in “savings.”




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