It’s 2014 and that means it’s a new year. No longer is it 2013 and that means you have even more opportunities this year to save money than you did last year. You may have even saved up some money last year and we certainly hope that you did. Why? Well, we’re about to tell you. You see, we put together a list of a few reasons that you should be saving money. Not only are these all logical reasons but we understand the importance of saving money better than anyone. So, with that being said, we hope you’ll scroll down and look!
Your Children
The first reason that we recommend saving money is because of your children. If you don’t have children and never plan on it, you can skip to the next section. If you do have kids, what would happen to them if something happened to you right now? What if you get sick? What if they get sick? Your kids are the perfect reason to start saving money as it will keep them safe in the future as well as you. If you do anything for your kids this year, save big!
Your Future
Your future is another good reason to start saving money. Has your car just about seen its day? Are you currently renting a home and don’t own one? Is your air conditioning unit starting to act up? Think about all the things that could go wrong or all the things that you want to accomplish in life and that should be motivation enough to start saving money.
Emergencies/Disaster Relief
Depending on what part of the country that you live in, you never know what types of disasters could hit. It could be anything from hurricanes to tornadoes or even tsunamis. Make sure you have some money put back in case you ever need to stock up on canned goods and call work a “no way” for a couple of weeks. It may sound silly now but this kind of stuff does happen and most people aren’t prepared at all. Don’t be one of those people.
Peace of Mind
Finally, the last reason that we have (which should convince you to save some money) is for peace of mind. Knowing that you have a few thousand dollars saved up is a big relief of stress for most people. If your bills cost you a total of $1,000 a month and you have around $6,000 saved up, that means you could lose your job and still survive for 6 months. Most people would immediately go into panic mode but you wouldn’t have to. Think about it!
So, these are just some of the many reasons that you should start saving money this year. If you need even more reasons, ask those around you. We’re sure that anyone can come up with at least a few good reasons as to why everyone should save money. The economy goes up and down, prices go up and down, and it’s always a good idea to save some cash.