I’ve done some post sin the past on how you can sell your items on Ebay to make some money. As a mom, we grow through a ton of clothing and toys at our house. As kids get older, they grow out of both clothes and toys. So, to make a little bit of money back, I like to list these things on Ebay. Now, you’re not going to get what you paid for something on Ebay, but you can still make a decent bit of money that you can add to your budget. Below, I’m going to give you some tips that will help you run a successful auction on Ebay that will help you make as much money as possible from the website.
#1. End Your Auctions on Sunday
It’s always important that you make sure your auctions end on a Sunday. Use the scheduling tool to make sure your auctions end on a Sunday, because this gives you the best chance at getting what you want out of an item. To be more specific, you should have your auction end on a Sunday evening. Remember, most people are home on Sunday and they’re relaxing, so they have time to sit around and browse Ebay.
#2. End Your Auctions in the Evening
I always set my auctions to end at 10:00 AM EST. That way, the auction will be live while everyone on both the East coast and West coast are still awake an active. Ending an auction at 10:00 PM means that it will come to a close at 7:00 PM on the West coast, so everyone has a chance to bid on your item.
#3. Use a Clear Picture
It’s very important that you use a clear and clean picture when you post an auction on Ebay. A grainy picture isn’t going to draw people to your auction and it will look like a 3-year-old listed the item for sale. In other words, your trust factor to potential bidders just went down.
#4. Take the Picture Yourself
A lot of people will list their items on Ebay with a stock picture that they’ve found from Google Images. Chances are, when browsing through Ebay, you’ve found a ton of auctions that use the same exact picture. People don’t like this, because they want to see a picture of the actual item they’re going to receive. I highly suggest that you take your own picture of the item rather than using something you found off of Google Images.
#5. Be Descriptive
It’s important that you leave a description for the item you’re selling. People want to know what they’re getting when they bid on your auction. List out all the necessary information that people actually care about. If you have a ton of in-depth specs to list, you should save the more in-depth stuff for the bottom of the description. Also, you’ll want to let people know why you’re selling the item. This is one thing I always worry about, because I don’t want to buy something that someone is selling, because their item is junk. Lastly, you’ll want to tell people exactly what is going to be included in the package.