Anyone that has ever had a major appliance goes out knows that it’s certainly not a good feeling. The minute it happens, you get this sinking feeling in your gut and you know that you’re going to have to shell out some big bucks for a replacement. If you don’t have an emergency fund, you could be in some serious trouble. Before you know it, you’re shelling out four figures for a replacement. Even if you do have an emergency fund, you’re going to want to save as much money as possible and you’ll also want to take extra precautions to decrease your chances of this ever happening again.
Below, you’ll find some tips that will help you save a ton of money the next time you have to go out and purchase an appliance.
#1. Be Careful if Buying Used
Personally, I won’t buy used appliances, but I can definitely see where people would be tempted. Buying a used appliance can save you hundreds of dollars initially, but you could end up shelling out much, much more. If you’re going to buy a used appliance, you should either know a great deal about appliances or take a friend along with you that knows what to look for. A lot of people buy used appliances that end up dying on them a week later and then they’re stuck in the same situation they were before, but with less money. You may save money in the long haul by sucking it up and buying a new appliance.
#2. Buy Appliances That Have a bit of Shelf Wear
Chances are, you’ve been to an appliance store and you’ve seen an appliance setting out in the middle of the floor with a significantly discounts price tag attached to it. Upon further inspection, you see that there’s a big scratch on it or a dent / ding in it. Typically, this doesn’t mean that the appliance was abused in any way and the inner working of the appliance will be just fine and it’s simply just a cosmetic blemish that likely happened while the appliance was in the truck on its way to the store. If you don’t care about cosmetics, you’ll save hundreds of dollars by purchasing an appliance that has a cosmetic blemish.
#3. Don’t Look at the Brand New Models
Stores get new models of appliances in all the time. Typically, they receive new models and they just put the older versions off to the side or in the bank, so the new model can get all of the attention. Check out these models that have been pushed off to the side or removed from the floor. These models are still new and their price tag will be much smaller.
#4. Shop at Rent-to-Own Stores
I’m not talking about going to one and getting one on a lease agreement, either. A lot of people get appliances on a lease and find out that they paid way too much for the appliance, so at the end of the lease, they allow the item to go back to the store. Rent-to-own stores will sell items that have been previously leased at a heavily discounted price and sometimes they may even come with an active warranty.