Many people want to make their lives better, and the best way to do that would be to get an education. College is expensive, and it can be even more so when it comes to buying textbooks. Some colleges have textbooks that can be over $100 dollars, but there are ways for people to save money on going back to school and getting the books they need for their classes.
#1. Check out the library for the books that are needed.
Depending on the class, the library can be the best place to get books for classes. When people check out the books they need, they do have a couple of options. The first option would be for people to just keep checking out the book until the class is over, which is typically 16 weeks, or people can check the book out once, and either copy it or scan it, both of which are a lot cheaper than buying the book.
#2. Used bookstores can have college textbooks.
A book is a book, and sometimes people clean out their closets and take their college textbooks to bookstores so they can sell them for a little money. A trip to used bookstores in town can be worth it because they may be a source of books that people can use for higher education.
#3. Check out garage sales.
One of the biggest items that people sell at garage sales are books, including the ones that they used for taking classes. A big book that cost over $100 dollars at the college can be found at a neighbor’s garage sale for only a few dollars.
#4. Look online for books to buy.
When it comes time for people to sell their books back, the college can only offer less than 50 percent of what was paid for the book, and for people who dropped a lot of money for books, this can be very frustrating so they decide to tell their books back in another way. There are websites that have classified advertisements where people can list their books for sale, or even offering books in trade, but either way, they are worth checking out and can offer huge savings.
#5. Check out auction websites.
A popular auction website like EBay, has a special section that is dedicated to books, and even a section that is just for college textbooks. With these auction websites, people can find exactly what they are looking for including the newest edition of the book, or an older edition that the professor may allow.
#6. Renting books from special websites.
To help ease the cost of college, there are now special websites that provide electronic copies of college textbooks, or allow students to rent the hard copies of the books. The website will charge only a fraction of the cost, ship the book to them, and when the class is over, the student will be able to print out a return label and mail the book back. With this option, the student can get all the books they need sent right to their homes, or just download them, and then return them once they are done with the class.