How to Have a Great BBQ For Less Money

BBQ For Less MoneyThe BBQ party season is now here, and with a lot of holidays coming up over the summer like Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, people are going to be grilling more and celebrating more with their family and friends. Though money is sometimes tight, that does not mean that the parties and fun should stop, and here are some ways to have a great BBQ without spending a fortune.

#1. Tell everyone invited that it’s a pot luck.

When it comes to a great party, why should the host and hostess have all the fun of making food? By letting everyone know they have to bring at least one dish, there will be a variety of different foods at the BBQ, which is going to make it a really great party with various exciting dishes.

#2. Suggest what people can bring to help with the party.

Yes potlucks are a lot of fun, but the last thing you want is for everyone to bring salad or pasta, because then you will end up with 25 bowls of the same dish. While it is a great idea to tell everyone to bring something, the best way to handle this is to ask different people for different things like pasta, potato dishes, bread, and dessert. Also, asking people to bring something that will go well with the main dish is also another simple way to avoid dozens of the same food.

#3. Be aware of allergies and medical conditions that limit the diet.

Before any further planning is made, it is a good idea to check with people to see if anyone is allergic to anything specific or have a medical condition that limits what they can eat.

#4. Use BBQ skewers to reduce the cost of buying meat.

In addition to things like hot dog, hamburger, sausage, and chicken, people may be expecting something like steak at the BBQ. However, buying enough steaks to cover a couple dozen people can be hugely expensive. One creative way to cut back on the meat you need is to buy a big pack of steaks, but cut them up and use skewers. With these skewers, steak can be mixed with things like pieces of chicken and vegetables.

#5. Simple appetizers can help fill up guests.

People go to a BBQ party hungry expecting to eat right away, and while it does take time to grill things, one way to help keep the guests happy is to have appetizers that will temporarily fill up guests while they wait for the food to finish cooking on the grill. Appetizers can also be something that the guests bring too, which can make it easier on people who are also having issues with their money. Even simple appetizers like crackers topped with seafood salad can be easy to make, and the protein in the crab and shrimp will help fill people up. By the time the grilled food is ready, people will not be as starving as they were and eat more sensibly.

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