Toilet paper is something that everyone uses, but the prices on toilet paper can be quite high. However, there are ways to save money on toilet paper, but still get one of the biggest necessities that every family needs on a daily basis. Scroll down to check out the tips I have for you.
#1. Decide on what brand the family prefers.
There are dozens of brands of toilet paper on the market, but a family may like a particular brand and decide to stick with it. If a family does not know what they prefer, then several brands can be tried until everyone in the family agrees on one kind. Once a preferred brand is found, it is time to start looking for the lowest possible price on that brand.
#2. Watch for sales from local grocery store.
In some places, the weekly advertisements for grocery stores arrive on a particular day of the week, which is usually a Monday or a Tuesday. With these advertisements, different stores will have different things on sale that week, and one of them is sure to have toilet paper at a reduced price. A great sale would be to buy one get one free, or buy one package of toilet paper and get another for 50 percent off is another good way to save a lot of money.
#3. Toilet paper in bulk can offer big savings.
There are a lot of warehouse stores that have a giant package of toilet paper. The best way to figure out if the price is good is to check to see how many rolls are in the package and then divide it by the price to see how much it is per roll. The lower the price per roll, the bigger the savings will be, which is going to equal a lot of money saved, and with a bigger package, the toilet paper can last for quite a while.
#4. Check to see the square footage on the packaging.
One of the best ways to see if the price of toilet paper is good is to check and see how much square footage the total number of rolls equals. Paying just pennies for each square foot is going to mean that the family will save money, and each toilet paper roll will last a lot longer than a day or two in the bathroom.
#5. Check online for bulk toilet paper deals.
Manufacturers may offer bulk toilet paper online that is an even better deal with local grocery stores or even a local warehouse store. Bulk stores can have a great sale to reduce their inventory, and a family can get a lot of toilet paper for a really inexpensive price. The toilet paper can then be shipped to their home, and then put in a safe place. Also with online stores, registering with that store can mean getting sent special coupons for things like a percentage off of a purchase, a dollar amount saved, or even an incentive to sign up others like free shipping on the next order.