How to Save Money on Long Distance Calls

Long Distance CallsEven in this day and age, most people out there still use a landline phone service, and with it, they make long distance phone calls to their relatives all around the world. The fact that cell phones are taking over everything, telephone companies are fighting hard to keep the customers they got and try to lower the cost of making a long distance call. Even lowering the cost of long distance service can be too high still, and here are some other ways that you can lower your long distance costs.

#1. Look into switching to another service.

There are many telephone companies in the area that are in competition with one another, and if you look into a new service, they may be willing to offer a great deal. Also, of your current carrier gets wind that you are shopping around, or if you just tell them, then they may be willing to lower the price just to match what another company offers or drop it even lower just to keep you as a customer.

#2. Check out a VoIP service.

Now an Internet connection can do more than just provide web browsing, but people are able to use it to make phone calls. A VoIP, which stands for voice over Internet protocol, allows for people to use their connection to make regular calls and long distance calls too. With these services, people have to use a special adapter, and it allows them to use the same signal they search the web with to provide them with a phone service too. Typically, the cost of the VoIP service is pretty low, and the call quality is just as good as a landline based phone service.

#3. Look into a pay-as-you-go cell phone.

There are pay-as-you-go cell phones, and with these phones, people can buy minutes for their phone that are a lot lower than what they pay for their long distance telephone service.  People can buy anywhere from 100 to 1000 minutes, and with the phone, they can use it any time they want, and then when they run out of minute, they can simply buy more minutes.

#4. Check online for long distance phone cards.

For people who do not have a cell phone, and have no interest in getting one, they do have the option of buying a prepaid phone card that can take care of their long distance charges. The phone cards can cost very little, and people can go to places like eBay and get the cards for a lot cheaper than what is available in grocery stores.  EBay can offer packs of long distance phone cards, and the amount of minutes on the card can be as big as one thousand minutes, for around $10 dollars each, which is a lot cheaper than what they sell for locally. By using these phone cards, people will be able to control the long distance calls they make, and then the card is gone, they can get another one for a great low price.

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