No More Drama
There is a certain amount of drama in all our lives. Some of it can’t be controlled, but some situations can be avoided and ended. Drama can cause stress and it can really waste your precious time. You end up feeling drained and not feeling in the mood to do anything from going out and having fun to doing different house chores.
Sometimes you may empathize with a friend who experiences some rough times, but if that particular friend also loves the drama, it’s time to make some changes in your life and allow some positive people in it, too. It works wonders for your mental state and it saves you plenty of time.
The Friend with all the Exes
Your friend has been in many relationships; all of them had a bad ending. Now she whines about her exes and complains about men, in general. She needs comforting, but she seems to like the attention she’s receiving from you. She can’t keep a stable relationship; there might be something that needs to be changed regarding her behavior or attitude. You can help her out, but if she doesn’t want to change maybe it’s time to let her analyze her life and try to see her less and less. It saves you time and it doesn’t drain you of energy.
Your Coworkers
Sometimes, the work environment can be too much. With all the gossip and drama going on, some of your coworkers might end up getting on your nerves. They seem to do anything but work. It’s hard to stay focused, it’s hard to concentrate on a task because there’s always that one coworker who has to make a scene about everything or gossip about someone or insult the boss. You can listen to music, take a short break or do whatever makes you ignore the drama.
An Identity Crisis
It’s perfectly fine to have an identity crisis at one point in your life, but panicking over it will never solve anything. It’s easier said than done, but it is vital to try to do anything to cope with the situation and find the necessary psychological resources to move on. You can take up dancing or any other activity or hobby that you like. You can work out since exercising really helps your mental state as well as your body. You can try to laugh more, read something that you like or meet with friends; socializing is very important. You can even take some time off, travel or meditate in the woods. You can be more open with your folks; they know you since the get-go, they are older and wiser and they can even give you a piece of advice that might turn out to be very useful. You can also seek the help of a therapist since this is the kind of person who can truly help you overcome an identity crisis. Whatever you choose to do, don’t give in to drama. Only you have the power to get over this identity crisis.