Signs that Indicate You’re in a Bad Relationship
One of the hardest things a person has to admit is being in a bad relationship. Not all relationships are meant to be and it takes time and patience to find the right person to spend the rest of your life with.
There are a few obvious signs that indicate you’re in a bad relationship. But when love is present it’s hard to analyze the blatant truth; it’s hard to be objective and make a tough decision. But any tough decision should be taken in our best interest. It’s all about being happy, feeling good with yourself, even if this means being single for a while.
Lack of Communication
We are not mind readers; if something upsets us, if something is missing, communication is vital. Tell your partner if something is bothering you; you can always find solutions for your problems. The lack of communication will lead to frustration, arguments and even a break-up. If you both have feelings for each other, it’s important to tell the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
Lack of Trust
Some people have trust issues; but there is that gut feeling that always seems to be right. If you don’t trust your partner anymore, it’s time to ask honest questions and expect painful, honest answers. Love cannot function well when you doubt your partner’s moves.
No Spark
Even if passion tends to disappear or diminish throughout the years, there are still the little things, gestures, dialogues that make you feel loved. If there is indifference, if the spark is gone it’s time to leave. Nobody has to ask for love; it should be given unconditionally.
One of the Partners Is Never There
Moral support is important for both sexes. If your partner is never there when you need him or her the most, it’s time to leave. You’ll feel invisible, unwanted, unimportant and nobody deserves that. This is definitely a bad relationship and it’s a clear sign that the person you are with doesn’t love you back. It’s time to leave. The right one will eventually pop up in your life, when you least expect it.
Time and Money Consuming
As much as we don’t like to quantify love (and it definitely cannot be summed up or divided), there are certain pragmatic aspects that need to be considered. When the relationship doesn’t work for you, it’s not just the heartbreak. You waste time trying to give your best in vain; because the other person doesn’t want to compromise or doesn’t love you anymore or any other reason you can think of. You waste time blaming yourself when maybe no one is to blame; it simply didn’t work out for you two. You waste time crying over the memories. You waste money, too. Investing in gifts, holidays, going out etc. just to try to feel good together. Life is too short to spend it with somebody that isn’t compatible with you. People change; feelings change, too. Maybe you both need to move on, even if this means going your separate ways.