Earthquake Safety Tips



Earthquake Safety Tips

History has already taught us by now that nature can be so unpredictable and it can always take us by surprise. Terrible tragedies have happened throughout the course of time and most of them have to do with natural disasters.

Technology is getting to be more and more advanced these days, making our life so much easier and helping us stay safe. Designs, materials, locations; everything is taken into consideration when building a new home or place. The next earthquake safety tips can also help you face such a dangerous situation easier.



Build a Safe Home

Always consult with professional persons before building a home. They can help you choose better materials and safer designs.


Be Prepared

Everybody should have a first aid kit around and a supply of water and canned food. These are must-haves for every possible dangerous situation out there. The first aid kit has to include dust masks and goggles that are always vital in such cases.


A Fast Decision

When an earthquake begins, there’s just enough time for a fast decision. This means that you’ll be analyzing the surroundings and you will pick a spot where nothing can fall on you (heavy objects, furniture etc.). Keep away from mirrors, windows etc.


Stay Where You Are

If you’re indoors you have to take shelter under a sturdy table and wait till the earthquake stops to exit the room you’re in.


If You’re Outside

The same rule applies for people who are caught outside during an earthquake; they have to make a fast decision. Keep away from buildings because something can easily fall off and hurt you. You should also pay attention to power lines and avoid them. The same goes if you’re driving a car. Drive to a safer place where you don’t risk getting hit by things.


The Backup Plan

Even if you live in a safe place, you should have some strategies for unpredictable situations. Think of safety plans for you and your family. You all have to learn to stay calm under such terrible circumstances and know where to run for cover and not get hurt.


The Body Posture Matters

You have to cover your head and neck in order to protect yourself. You should also drop to the ground because the earthquake will eventually knock you off your feet.


Make Noise

People can still be in danger even after an earthquake. If you are trapped somewhere and by any chance, you have a mobile phone next to you use it to call somebody or make some noise. Tap on things, on pipes on everything that might make a sound because rescuers can hear you and save you.


There can be Aftershocks

Unfortunately, the danger might not be over yet. There might be aftershocks so you will have to follow the same pieces of advice over and over again. Until you’re safe. Until it’s really over.


The Structural Strong Points

You should easily identify the structural strong points of the room you’re in. Every room has them. Hide under these structural points; they are safer than any other place in the room

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