What to Do when Confronted with Active Shooter Situations!

Active Shooter


What to Do when Confronted with Active Shooter Situations


We like to think that we are safe from harm and that is true, most of the times. But there are so many unpredictable situations that can occur and it’s better to be prepared, know how to react, know what to do during a dangerous situation in order to prevent a tragedy.

There are certain things that you can do when confronted with an active shooter situation. You can educate your mind, your body, your reactions and even your instinct can be polished in order to save yourself and other people in case an active shooter is threating your lives.


More and More Common These Days

Unfortunately, active shooter situations are becoming more and more common these days. Even if nobody likes to think about these kinds of things, sometimes imagining that a thing like this might happen can help you understand your reactions better. You can also think of what you’d do in order to be out of harm’s way. Ask yourself a few questions: where would you go to hide? What would you do?


Self-Preservation Instinct

A very powerful behavior noticed in both human beings and animals is the self-preservation instinct. When such a tragic situation occurs, your self-preservation instinct kicks in and you realize that you’re on your own anyway. The shooter usually aims indiscriminately at his victims and then he starts firing his gun. Think of yourself, even if it is a selfish thing to do. If you want to save somebody or follow the crowd you might just draw attention to these persons and the shooter might change his aim. You should act quickly because most active shootings don’t last too long; they last for just a few minutes. How many things can you accomplish during such a short amount of time?


Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Always study the area; know that area well. How many exits are there? What surrounds the building? Where can you hide without being noticed by others? Having a mental map of the place you’re in can definitely save you time and it can eventually save your life, too.


Be Aware of Strange Behaviors

Even if you may not be an expert in cognitive behavior theories, there is a gut feeling that lets you know that something is utterly wrong with a person; you get a bad vibe or something is just off with the person. Maybe he or she seems calm; but there’s something in the way this person moves, talks or there is something bizarre about his or her expressions. Keep an eye on this individual. It’s nothing paranoid about it; your gut feeling is usually right about these things. You can even read books on expressions, postures, the way in which people dress and talk that betray their actions.


Keep Your Cool

If you hear people screaming, shouting and if you see them running, keep your cool. Being relaxed will help you analyze your choices better and you can act almost immediately. If you hear shootings go to the safe place you have already mentally pictured when analyzing your surroundings. Stay there till it’s safe to leave the place. Most experts advise you to run for cover. Run in a zigzag pattern because most shooters aren’t that experienced and even expert gunmen can’t easily hit a target that is moving in a zigzag pattern. If you can’t run, try to hide out of harm’s way. Try to lock yourself in a room or closet and crouch behind pieces of furniture (any object that might take a bullet for you). Keep as silent as possible and only get out when you hear the authorities who assure everybody it’s safe to come out.




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