Tips to Stop Cyberbullying
Parents and teachers are advised to talk with the children and explain to them the concept of cyberbullying and how it can be ignored, reported or stopped, depending on the gravity of the situation. But not only kids and teenagers are targeted. Adults need to know how they can stop cyberbullying before it causes irreparable damages.
The following tips on how to stop cyberbullying will always be of use; especially since we live in the age of technology we have to be aware of both its beautiful and ugly sides.
Indifference is Vital
Whatever you do, don’t respond; don’t engage in a dialogue with the cyberbullies. This is their goal. To get any reply or reaction from your part. By ignoring them, you’ll annoy them more and you’ll feel in control of the situation. Indifference is vital and it is definitely one solution to stop the cyberbullying. No matter how hurt you are, no matter how much you want the bully to stop or make him see things your way, these kinds of persons can’t be changed. They live for the moment; for the reaction from your part. Don’t feed the cyberbullies.
A Tooth for a Tooth
…and an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind and toothless. The idea is that you can’t stoop to the cyberbully’s level and respond with violence to violence. Leave the chat room or the place where the cyberbullying is happening or ignore the bully per se. Violence won’t solve any problems; it will make you feel bitter, frustrated, angry and you definitely don’t need to deal with so many things all at once. Ignorance is the key.
Harassing Messages
If things seem to escalate use screen caps and save the evidence. There are many laws now that protect the internet users and the internet environment and you should always save the evidence of a cyberbully’s attack. When things escalate there are many legal ways in which a cyberbully can be stopped and persecuted.
Your Friends and Family
You have plenty of friends and family that you can trust. Open up to them and tell them what is happening to you; what you are going through. You are never alone and there are people that care for you, especially in the real world. You can also confide in your shrink that knows how to deal with cyberbullies best, from a legal and psychological point, too.
Hooray for Privacy Tools and Applications
Cyberbullies can be blocked and reported via different online platforms as well as call blockers and other mobile applications that will assure you get the best privacy and peace and quiet that you definitely deserve.
Stand Up for Others
All types of bullying can be prevented and stopped. Bullies are cowards in real life as well as in different online environments. If you see a person that is bullied act now. Defending someone will mean so much for the bullied person. Call the police if things escalate.