Where Modern and Radical Feminism Go Wrong
When feminism first started, it was something impressive and noble in it. Women emancipated, stood up for what they believed in and managed to get themselves heard, respected and treated equally. Because they were oppressed. Because they weren’t treated right. Things have changed in the past few years and they don’t look very promising.
Where do modern and radical feminism go wrong? What exactly isn’t right with the concept, attitude and behavior of many modern and radical feminists nowadays? Let’s have a look and see where things take a different turn.
All Genders Are Equal…
In theory. Feminism is all about equal rights and defending both men and women. But if you pay attention to videos, feminist rallies and protests, women shun men’s rights, criticize, argue with men and even start fights without men having provoked them. This isn’t okay at all.
The Income Thing
A lot of women complain that they don’t have the same income as men. But this happens for all sorts of reasons. First of all, studies and polls show that most women aren’t so ambitious and don’t dare to ask for a raise for their accomplishments. Men, on the other hand, grab the bull by its horns and ask for what they deserve. Women also focus on different fields like gender studies, humanistic studies and fields etc. while men go for engineering, neurosciences and far better paid fields. It’s not a matter of discrimination, it is a matter of choice. Women also want to have a career and family and they also get involved in raising their kids more than men, thus not having enough time to work overtime at work to earn those extra bucks or get that promotion they want. It’s not ok to blame men for that. And to invoke feminism. It’s a matter of choice. There are so many laws nowadays that benefit women and women’s rights are very well formulated.
Trivial Matters over Important Ones
Modern and radical feminists complain about all sorts of trivial matters from paying taxes for tampon pads to the fact that the air conditioner is sexist because it makes them feel cold at the office and it’s men’s fault because men don’t seem to have a problem with lower temperatures. But women dress with summery clothes that don’t keep them too warm at the office. They can always adjust the AC’s temperature…However, important matters that should pose a high interest for feminists are simply forgotten. There are women stoned for their beliefs or for the fact they want a job and formal education in the Orient and in other places in the world. Women who are enslaved by their husbands, women with no rights. Feminism should focus on what is important. The rest are trivial matters.
Not Backing Up their Arguments with Science
Unfortunately, most modern and radical feminists are shut down by logical arguments that are backed up by science, studies and different polls. Many feminists shout, cover men’s voices and come up with bogus statistics to prove they’re right. That is not ethical at all. And it’s a shame because feminism used to be more than that. It was backed up by common sense and intensive studies.