Stay Safe this Summer with these 5 Water Safety Tips!

freebies2deals-safetytipsThese summer days are HOT!  Spending your time near a pool, lake, ocean, or splash pad is a great way to stay cooled off. However, it could also be dangerous.  These 5 tips might be a good refresher for you to help stay safe.  Maybe there will be something new that you haven’t thought of before.

  1.  Educate your kids on your location.  Most kids are oblivious with where they are at.  They just know there is a pool or ocean to jump in and swim.  When you first get to your location, make sure they are aware of depth, drop offs, and other rules like no diving or running.  A lake will have different rules than a splash pad.  So make sure the kids are aware of those before they start playing.
  2. Wear appropriate Life Jackets/Swim Wear. It’s always a great idea to have your kids in a Life Jacket the whole time when there is an open pool around. If you are looking for a good Life Jacket, check out these Puddle Jumpers.  F2D Readers have loved them! With your Life Jacket, check the weight for the jackets to be sure your kids are in the appropriate size.  Otherwise it may not do it’s job.  Also, you can dress your kids in bright clothing/swim wear.  This will help you spot them easier in a crowd.
  3. Stay in tune with the weather. Weather patterns can change fast and you don’t want to be caught off guard in the water when lightning strikes.  Check forecasts, and just be aware of your surroundings.  Especially if you are out on the lake or ocean, you will want to move quickly to get to shore.  Storms can move fast. Stay on shore or inside until the storm passes. It’s better to be safe than sorry with weather.
  4. Make sure a Lifeguard is present.  Most community pools have Life Guards on duty and will help with keeping you and your kids safe.  However, Oceans, Lakes, and private pools may not have one.  One good idea is to have 1 adult at all times in charge of watching the pool.  If you are having a big get together with neighbors and friends, you can get easily distracted and may take your eyes off your kids in the water.  Having at least 1 adult at all times watching the water could help with those accidents that may happen when there are a lot of people around.
  5. Take Breaks!  Water and sun will make you super tired…fast.  So it’s a good idea every hour or so to get out and drink some water.  Apply more sunscreen and just relax.  Get out of the sun for a bit and into the shade. Your body and muscles can rejuvenate and help you stay a strong swimmer.


We hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer!  :) 

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