5 Things You Should Never Pay Full Price For


5 things to never pay full price fo

These days, saving money is trendy! People used to get annoyed with couponers and steer clear of thrift shopping.  That is no more!

One of the best things about this saving money trend is that it is easier than ever do just that.  Save!  You can save money on just about anything, so be sure to keep an eye out for great deals.  While you are looking out for deals, keep this list of 5 items you should never pay full price for on hand:


These could technically be listed separately, but since they are both reading materials, we will talk about it together.  

  • If you really like a particular magazine, do not pay newstand prices for it, be sure to subscribe to it.  Simply signing up for a subscription will save up to 90%, plus there are many magazines out there that you can rent for free!
  • If you have your heart set on a book, be sure and head to Amazon.  You will likely find a used copy in great condition for pennies on the dollar.  Most people only read a book once then get rid of it, there is no reason to buy a new one.


You can buy top designer clothes without paying top dollar.  Hit up high end thrift stores such as Plato’s Closet or simply check out the clearance rack at your favorite stores!  Stores like Kohls and Macy’s also offer coupons that can be stacked with clearance, netting you the best deal possible.


With Redbox available, there is no reason to pay full price to rent a movie.  In addition to Redbox, you can also often find promo codes for Google Play, HULU and Amazon Instant Video that will help lower your cost.


COUPONS! Seriously, using coupons when you go grocery shopping can save up to 40%!  You can clip coupons from your Sunday paper or print them off from our website!


I never go out to eat without a coupon or a discount.  Before you head out, make sure you check out Groupon and/or Restaurant.com for coupons and discounts.

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