5 Tips to Help You Clean Less Often


Are you finding yourself doing housework more often than not?  With the hustle and bustle of life, we need as much downtime as we can get, but that is hard to fit in when you have a mountain of laundry and piles of dishes to do almost daily.  

Here is a list of simple things that you can do that will help you clean less often:

  1. Rinse your dishes immediately after using them.   This takes mere seconds, but if you rinse your dishes off immediately after you use them, the food does not have time to set in and dry on your dishes which makes the actual washing process much quicker!  Imagine not have to scrub dishes or run them through the dishwasher multiple times.  This one is definitely a winner in the time saving department!  No, if I could just get my kids to do it….
  2. Use your bath towel more than once.  Install hooks on your bathroom wall or put an over the door rack over bedroom doors for each family member to hang their towel on once they have finished using it.  As long as the towel has been hanging to dry, there is no reason that you can’t get several uses out of it.  Washing daily has no benefit whatsoever.
  3. Clean up spills when they happen.  Similar to the tip we told you about dishes earlier, if you clean up spills immediately after they happen, they have less time to set in, therefore they are easier to clean.  This can mean the difference in using a single cleaning wipe or breaking out the floor cleaner later.  Which do you think is more time consuming?
  4. Wear your jeans more than once.  Washing jeans often is actually not even good for them, so it is a wise choice to wear your blue jeans several times before you put them in the washer.  If you wear jeans often, just rotate the ones you are wearing so it is not the same one over and over again.  This will cut back on your laundry pile significantly.  If you spill something on them or notice a spot, just be sure to spot clean immediately.  This often does the trick.
  5. Make it a family affair. Many hands make light work.  That’s how the saying goes, right? If the entire family pitches in with the housework, it will get accomplished much quicker than if you are doing it yourself.  

Do you have any awesome time saving tips that you use for your chore list?

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